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Configuration Profiles

Configuration Profiles provide users with a streamlined way to configure, save, and apply settings to a device or group of devices (via labels).

Unlike other configuration settings, Profiles impact LoRAWAN’s protocol behavior and are binary in nature.


Configuration Profiles can be added to Device/Label nodes. The last Profile assigned to a device takes priority. For example, if a device has Profile A, and a label has Profile B, if that label is applied to the device then Profile B overrides Profile A.

Current settings that can be set via Profiles:


For a video walkthrough of Configuration Profiles, check out our Tips and Tricks video here.


Adaptive Data Rate (ADR) is a mechanism for adapting the data rate of devices in a LoRaWAN network. This allows a device's airtime and power consumption to be optimized by the Network Server. Learn more about ADR from Semtech's developer portal here.

  • ADR will only work if your device requests ADR.
  • Using ADR is only suggested for devices that are static for long periods of times. ADR is not suggested for devices that are constantly changing location or have unstable RF conditions.

ADR Algorithm

The network server behind Console implements a specific algorithm for determining the optimal data rate and transmit power to send down to the device. ADR not only increases the device's data rate, but it increases or decreases transmit power as needed. The network only calculates data-rate/power corrections after it collects 20 contiguous uplink packets with the ADR bit set to 1. From this point on, the network may send downlink LinkADRReq MAC commands, either alone or with already-scheduled downlink packets. The network server clears its ADR history whenever a device sends an uplink packet with ADR set to 0.

CF List

The Join-Accept CF List configures channels according to the LoRaWAN spec to use sub-band 2. Devices that have not correctly implemented the LoRaWAN spec may experience transfer issues when this setting is enabled.

  • Enabled, the server will send a CF List with every other join.
  • Disabled, the server will not send a CF List. The channel mask is still transmitted via ADR command.

Notes: By default this setting is disabled and only applicable to US915 devices.

Receive Window Delay

This setting allows users to specify the number of seconds the device's first receive window begins after the transmit ends.

The range window can be adjusted from 1 (default) to 15 seconds.

A higher number increases the receive delay window and generally can increase downlink reliability as higher latencies between the LoRaWAN gateway and network server will be tolerated.

However, devices that suffer from drift may not work as well and a longer delay reduces the theoretical maximum rate of communication since a subsequent transmit may only be accomplished after both receive windows.

Note: According to the LoRaWAN spec, the second receive window always begins one second after the first.

Creating Profiles

Profiles need to be created before they can be applied to devices.

  • To create Profiles, on the left-hand menu, click Profiles and click the + button.
  • Choose a descriptive name for the Profile, the desired settings, and click Create Profile.

Applying Profiles

User can apply profiles:

  • During setup of devices or labels
  • On the Flows workspace or non-Flows areas
    • Specific device page
    • On the Label page

On the Flows Worskpace for quick identification of devices with a Profile, a symbol appears on the node.

Flows Workspace

  • Choose device or label, and on the side pane click the Profile tab.
  • Choose the Profile to apply or create a new one.

Editing or Deleting Profiles

To edit or delete a profile, select it and make changes or click Delete Profile.