JSON Schema
When receiving or transmitting data with an integration there is a consistent JSON Schema for the data.
Uplink: Receiving Data from a Device
Here is an example of data received:
"app_eui": "6948A4B59F4666AD",
"dev_eui": "1C29FBD1D2084E21",
"devaddr": "B5A44869",
"fcnt": 19,
"hotspots": [
"frequency": 912.2999877929688,
"id": "11KHJW1ePkfhLYptMwKyDzn4opLc62daahbi35uxhH3wwi7p6xr",
"name": "icy-fiery-hippo",
"reported_at": 15868685461234,
"rssi": -54,
"snr": 9.800000190734863,
"spreading": "SF9BW125",
"status": "success"
"frequency": 912.2999877929688,
"id": "11ni2CACdVUAshDvXif2pYUduAsvoawoxvVub6aqgHjSNsPEapZ",
"name": "cool-chiffon-hornet",
"reported_at": 15868685461235,
"rssi": -51,
"snr": 9,
"spreading": "SF9BW125",
"status": "success"
"id": "7c523974-4ce7-4a92-948b-55171a6e4d77",
"metadata": {
"labels": [
"id": "7d11aef4-4daf-4caf-b72a-f789b191ebe4",
"name": "DontLabelMe",
"organization_id": "d724b93a-895a-4175-9852-8738ae31050b"
"name": "Test Me",
"payload": "SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==",
"port": 1,
"reported_at": 15868685461234
Field | Type | Description |
app_eui | String | LoRaWAN 64-bit Application Identifier (AppEUI) in MSB hex; conventionally this is used to identify a type of sensor or actuator, e.g. "temperature sensor" or "valve controller" |
dev_eui | String | LoRaWAN 64-bit Device Identifier (DevEUI) in MSB hex; conventionally this is used to identify a unique device within a specific application (AppEUI) or even within an entire organization |
devaddr | String | Upon a successful Join, the device is allocated a LoRaWAN 64-bit DevAddr which is unique across the entire Helium Network as long the session is active; the data is represented here in MSB hex |
fcnt | Number | LoRaWAN FCnt for uplink packets; this increments with every uplink packet and can be useful for surmising whether an uplink was missed |
hotspots | Array(hotspot) | Array of hotspots which received the same packet (schema description in a following table) |
id | String | UUID used to identify the device within Helium Console; this is assigned during device creation and maps to a unique set of AppEui, DevEui, and AppKey |
metadata | Object("label": Array(label)) | A nested JSON object with a single field, "labels", which is an array of label Objects, described in the next table |
name | String | Name assigned to the device by Console user |
payload | String | Data transmitted by your device as a base64 encoded String. Most computer languages will have some built-in libraries for parsing this (e.g. base64.decode(payload)) |
payload_size | Number | Size of the payload in bytes; you can use this to verify your libraries parsing output |
port | Number | LoRaWAN FPort on which the data was transmitted; this can be useful for routing data within the application |
reported_at | Number | Timestamp in milliseconds |
Field | Type | Description |
frequency | Number | In MHz, the frequency which the packet was received upon |
id | String | A base58 encoding of the hotspot's public key; this may serve as a concise unique identifier |
name | String | A human-friendly three-word encoding of the hotspot's public key; link to JavaScript and Erlang implementations |
reported_at | Number | Timestamp in milliseconds |
rssi | Number | Received Signal Strength Indicator is reported by the hotspot and indicates how strong the signal device's radio signal was; the larger the number (closer to 0), the better the signal |
snr | Number | In dB, Signal to Noise Ratio is reported by the hotspot to indicate how clear the signal was relative to environmental noise; this generally ranges between -20 and +10 and the larger the number (closer to 10 dB) the better |
spreading | String | LoRa Spreading Factor and Bandwidth used for the radio transmission. In the US, spreading factor ranges from 7 to 10 and bandwidth is always 125 kHz. For example, "SF7BW125" means a Spreading Factor of 7 was used and a channel width of 125 kHz. |
Field | Type | Description |
labels | String | A list of Labels attached to the device |
Downlink: Transmitting Data to a Device
Here is an example of data received:
"payload_raw": "SGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==",
"port": 1,
"confirmed": false
Field | Description | |
payload_raw | String | Data transmitted to your device as a base64 encoded String. Most computer languages will have some built-in libraries for parsing this (e.g. base64.encode(payload)) |
port | Number | LoRaWAN FPort on which the data was transmitted; this can be useful for routing data within the application |
confirmed | Bool | Whether or not a device acknowledgement is required |
Clearing a Device Queue
If the payload_raw field is the base64 encoded value '__clear_downlink_queue__'
any downlinks queued for that device will be removed.