Debug With Sniffer
Confirm router runtime behavior using a virtual LoRaWAN device with a software-based protocol sniffer.
- Ensure Router is running and Console is connected to it.
- The wallet to be used requires enough HNT to burn for joining the virtual
device to the network.
- It's the same fee as for a physical device.
- See Setup Data Only Hotspot
- Clone each of these repos:
Those packages require Rust when building from source.
Everything may run locally on a laptop/workstation, or use just the Rust-based tools locally for connecting to a remote Router & Console.
The approximate sequence:
- Create a virtual device
- Use the wallet to pay for joining a device to the network
- Device gets added via Console, which then will be "pending" for about 15 minutes
- Start local data-only hotspot
- Configure sniffer to use that hotspot
- Connect the virtual device to sniffer
- Wait for "pending" to resolve on Console
- Finally, the virtual device joins the network
Order of operations below is significant.
Because there are multiple repos each in their own subdirectory, examples
below assume everything is located beneath the ~/helium/
Ensure everything compiles successfully.
cd ~/helium/
git clone
cd helium-wallet-rs/
cargo build --release
cd ..
git clone
cd gateway-rs/
cargo install cargo-make
cargo build --release
cd ..
git clone
cd virtual-lorawan-device/
cargo build --release
cd ..
git clone
cd lorawan-sniffer/
cargo build --release
Those may be built in any order but are in sequence as used below.
Confirm Wallet Balance
Later steps require the command-line interface (CLI) version of a wallet.
For using a wallet already attached to an existing hotspot, that wallet can
be connected
to this one using the --seed
cd ~/helium/helium-wallet-rs/
./target/release/helium-wallet create basic
Follow its README or other instructions for creating and funding this wallet.
View details of the funded CLI wallet:
./target/release/helium-wallet info
See Balance
field, and confirm having enough HNT to burn 1000000 (six
zeros) data credits. One whole HNT is more than sufficient with prevailing
exchange rates in early 2022.
Copy the value from the Address
will be used as the example in excerpts below.
Join Hotspot To Network
Use the WalletADDRESS...
from the earlier wallet "info" command.
Arguments to both the owner and payer options will be your wallet address (as with a self-signed certificate).
As of v1.0, gateway-rs requires running in server-mode in the background:
cd ~/helium/gateway-rs/
./target/release/helium_gateway server &
Generate transaction:
./target/release/helium_gateway add --mode dataonly \
--owner WalletADDRESS... \
--payer WalletADDRESS...
Output from that command will include a transaction ID associated with the
field. Copy this value (without quotes) which is referred to as
below for use with the CLI wallet.
Stop the gateway service for now:
kill $gw_pid
# or
killall helium_gateway
The gateway service will be started below, after adding the device.
Join Hotspot Using Wallet
Use the TxnID...
from the previous step.
Add the hotspot to the network, which requires burning data credits (DC) and must use the CLI wallet.
Always perform a dry-run (without the commit flag) first:
cd ~/helium/helium-wallet-rs/
./target/release/helium-wallet hotspots add TxnID...
Confirm that the staking fee in DC is 1000000
(six zeros), and then repeat
same command plus --commit
!! --commit
Log on to Console, and create a new device.
When successful, Console should indicate "Pending" for this device.
This pending status persists until the next XOR operation by the Router, which may take 15 minutes or so.
Both the sniffer and virtual device may be configured during this wait.
Get the following values from Console for your device:
- Device EUI
- App EUI
- App Key
(You may also want the "Device ID" for tracing via SSH session on the router instance itself.)
Each value gets associated with the appropriate key in different configuration files for sniffer and virtual device.
Configure Virtual LoRaWAN Device
Using those same values from Console, each value should be associated with
the appropriate key within a TOML file:
dev_eui = "DevEUIHexValue..."
app_eui = "AppEUIHexValue..."
app_key = "AppKeyLongHexValue..."
host = "localhost:1600"
While editing that TOML file, also indicate that it should talk to your
instance of gateway-rs
as the packet-forwarder (typically on IP Port
Keep the defaults.toml
file unmodified for ease of git pull
in future.
Configure LoRaWAN Sniffer
Each value above from Console should be associated with the appropriate key
within a JSON file:
"dev_eui": "DevEUIHexValue...",
"app_eui": "AppEUIHexValue...",
"app_key": "AppKeyLongHexValue..."
Wait For XOR
Again: the Console may indicate "Pending" from having added the new device.
Wait until that message clears before proceeding.
Live Debugging
There will be a lot of output from each command, so consider using separate Terminal tabs/windows.
Start Hotspot
Run in its own Terminal window:
cd ~/helium/gateway-rs/
./target/release/helium_gateway -c config server
Start Sniffer
Run in its own Terminal window:
cd ~/helium/lorawan-sniffer/
./target/release/lorawan-sniffer sniff --host \
--log-trace session.csv
(The session log may be replayed later with:
./target/release/lorawan-sniffer replay session.csv
Note: If the gateway restarts, the sniffer may need to be restarted also.
Start Device
Run in its own Terminal window:
cd ~/helium/virtual-lorawan-device/
Each start of this program begins with a fresh LoRaWAN Join, so expect to see a matching Join-Accept response from the router.
Consider making changes to settings within
configuration profiles
in Console for this device, such as rx_delay
Router Trace
This is optional.
From Console, get the "Device ID" value, which is a UUID string.
Run in its own Terminal window:
ssh router-dev
Start tracing for your device:
router device trace --id=4e698917-b44c-abcd-b258-afaf579a2099
When finished, conclude tracing for your device:
router device trace --id=4e698917-b44c-abcd-b258-afaf579a2099 --stop
Or extract from logs in the usual way:
grep 4e698917-b44c-abcd-b258-afaf579a2099 /var/data/log/router.log